Sunday, August 9, 2009

Pathetic Existances, Volume One: The Guy on the 'Wet Floor' Sign

Could it be more embarassing than to be the guy on the 'Caution: Wet Floor' sign? Suspended in permanant liminality, not quite on the floor, not quite in the air. Two seperate metaphysical planes, and this unfortunate, careless stickman is permanantly stuck between the two. Never being able to feel the unwavering security that having two feet planted in the ground provides, and yet, unable to truly feel the weightlessness of flight. Suspension.

I was looking at this sign today, and couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy. Not only has he suffered the shame of losing his footing in nature's most unforgiving substance and slipped, but someone decided that he should be permanantly framed in this condition, therefore leaving him to wallow in his shame for all of eternity, with other, more cautious stickmen looking on and laughing at him, his blunder immortalized on yellow plastic.

And to add insult to injury, he's even being used as a warning to other people. His current predicament is being used to help others avoid the same mishap. Just because he was unfortunate enough to lose his footing on the H2O glazed floor, it's ok for him to be freezeframed there forever, just to help others not end up like him?
At least when it happened to Charlie Brown, Mr. Schultz had the decency to let him come back to the ground when he learned the error in his ways. Mr. Wet Floor Sign Guy doesn't have that prerogative, and if you ask me, that's a pretty pathetic existance.

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